Worst Pills, Best Pills

An expert, independent second opinion on more than 1,800 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, and supplements

valdecoxib (BEXTRA)


Search results below include Worst Pills, Best Pills Newsletter Articles where your selected drug is a secondary subject of discussion.

Critiquing Evidence About the Risky Arthritis and Pain Drug Celecoxib (CELEBREX, CONSENSI)
August 2021
Learn why we have designated celecoxib, a widely used selective COX-2 inhibitor that belongs to a drug class called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as Do Not Use.
Eight Treatments Commonly Used for Osteoarthritis Pain
July 2015
Patients with osteoarthritis have many treatment options. Find out which ones are safest for relieving osteoarthritis pain.
Escalating Criminal and Civil Violations: Pharma Has Corporate Integrity? Not Really
March 2014
Dr. Sidney Wolfe, founding editor of Worst Pills, Best Pills News, concludes that “there is pathological lack of corporate integrity in many drug companies.” Read this article to find out why.
Drug Mix-Ups
June 2011
This article lists 355 drugs with names that are often confused with similar-sounding drug names. Find out what you can do to prevent getting the wrong drug.
Dangers of Mixing Alcohol with Certain Medications or Diseases
August 2008
The article discusses 273 drugs that can have harmful interactions with alcohol. Also reviewed are several ways in which these harmful interactions can occur: 1/ Medications Can Increase Alcohol Blood Levels 2/ Additive effects of medications and alcohol. One of the best- known drug-alcohol interactions is when alcohol, a depressant, is taken with other sedative medications, and excessive sedation or depression of respiration can occur 3/Alcohol can increase the blood levels of some medications leading to toxicity of these drugs. 4/ Alcohol also can reduce blood levels of some medications causing them to be less effective. Although some of the interactions between alcohol and medications mainly occur in people who drink heavily (three or more drinks on one occasion), many of these interactions may occur with much lower amounts of alcohol use, such as one to two drinks on an occasion. We strongly urge you to tell your physicians and other health care providers how much alcohol you are drinking so they can effectively assess the risks and advise you about the safe use of alcohol and medications.
Celecoxib (CELEBREX) May Double the Risk for Heart Attacks Compared to Older Arthritis Drugs
May 2006
New research published in the March 2006 edition of the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine indicates that the popular arthritis and painkilling drug celecoxib (CELEBREX) may double the risk for heart attacks compared to older arthritis medications.
Problems With COX-2 Inhibitors Vault Meloxicam (MOBIC) To Blockbuster Status
March 2005
There is no medical reason why you should be taking meloxicam rather than an older, equally effective NSAID such as ibuprofen to manage arthritis.
Blockbuster Arthritis Drug Rofecoxib (VIOXX) Withdrawn From Market
November 2004
Vioxx is the ninth prescription drug to be taken off the market in the past seven years that Worst Pills, Best Pills News readers were previously warned DO NOT USE. The average time between warning readers not to use these drugs and their removal from the market was one year and eight months.


Search results below include Additional Information from Public Citizen where your selected drug is a secondary subject of discussion.

Eliminate FDA’s Dependency on Drug Industry Money, Public Citizen Tells Congress
Congress should not reauthorize the user fees at the core of the Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) because of the unacceptable conflicts of interest the fees create at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Public Citizen said today in a letter sent to all members of Congress.
Letter to the FDA concerning Pfizer's 2 ½ minute television advertisement for Celebrex (HRG Publication #1803)
We urge the Food and Drug Administration to order Pfizer to immediately stop its dangerous, misleading 2 ½ minute television advertisement for Celebrex that began airing on April 2nd.
Article in Law and Contemporary Problems: Access to Pharmaceutical Data at the FDA (HRG Publication #1789)
Advocates of greater corporate involvement in clinical science argue that the public benefits from the more rapid movement of beneficial products into commerce, but progress in science is based on the free publication of study results and on the public release of data. In contrast, the governing ethic in the corporate sector is secrecy -- the withholding of any information from which a competitor might benefit.
Testimony before the Senate Special Committee on Aging on The Impact of Direct-to-Consumer Drug Advertising on Seniors’ Health and Health Care Costs (HRG Publication #1751)
DTC advertising is nothing less than an end-run around the doctor-patient relationship – an attempt to turn patients into the agents of pharmaceutical companies as they pressure physicians for medications they may not need.