Worst Pills, Best Pills

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tetracycline (ACHROMYCIN V)


Search results below include Worst Pills, Best Pills Newsletter Articles where your selected drug is a secondary subject of discussion.

The Rising Cost of Generic Drugs
December 2016
The ever-increasing prices for prescription medications are often in the news these days, with some products carrying eye-popping price tags of more than $100,000 per year. Typically the highest prices are for newer, brand-name products. Yet a more surprising pricing story has begun to emerge over the past few years: the rising cost of generic medications.
Drugs for Possible Exposure to Anthrax: What Makes Sense?
November 2001
With each new day come new reports of exposures, possible exposures and what turn out to be fake exposures to anthrax. Originally coming from Florida, reports are now emanating from other states including New York, Nevada and the District of Columbia.