Worst Pills, Best Pills

An expert, independent second opinion on more than 1,800 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, and supplements

pirbuterol (MAXAIR)


A comprehensive review of the safety and effectiveness of this drug. If the drug is not a Do Not Use product, information on adverse effects, drug interactions and how to use the medication are included.
Search results below include Drug and Dietary Supplement Profiles where your selected drug is a secondary subject of discussion.

  • We list this drug as a Do Not Use drug because it is more likely to increase blood pressure and heart rate than other drugs for this condition.


Search results below include Worst Pills, Best Pills Newsletter Articles where your selected drug is a secondary subject of discussion.

FDA Relegates ADVAIR and SEREVENT to Last Choice Status for Asthma Treatment
May 2006
ADVAIR DISKUS is not indicated in patients whose asthma can be successfully managed by inhaled corticosteroids along with occasional use of inhaled, short-acting beta2-agonists.
Asthma Medicines That Can Cause Asthma Attacks: SEREVENT, ADVAIR and FORADIL
September 2005
Do not stop any asthma medication without first consulting your physician. Abruptly stopping a medication may result in acutely deteriorating asthma control.
DO NOT USE! Strong New Safety Warning Added For The Asthma Inhaler Salmeterol (SEREVENT)
November 2003
DO NOT STOP ANY ASTHMA MEDICATION WITHOUT FIRST CONSULTING YOUR PHYSICIAN. ABRUPTLY STOPPING A MEDICATION MAY RESULT IN ACUTELY DETERIORATING ASTHMA CONTROL. In the March 2003 Worst Pills, Best Pills News we listed the asthma drug salmeterol (SEREVENT) as a DO NOT USE drug after the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced on January 23, 2003 that a large safety study involving the drug had been halted prematurely because an interim analysis of outcomes suggested that the drug may be associated with an increased risk of life-threatening asthma episodes or asthma-related deaths.
Important Safety Alert! DO NOT USE — Asthma Inhaler Salmeterol (SEREVENT)
March 2003
DO NOT STOP ANY ASTHMA MEDICATION WITHOUT FIRST CONSULTING YOUR PHYSICIAN. ABRUPTLY STOPPING A MEDICATION MAY RESULT IN ACUTELY DETERIORATING ASTHMA CONTROL. An interim analysis of a company study of outcomes suggested that the drug may be associated with an increased risk of life-threatening asthma episodes or asthma-related deaths.