Worst Pills, Best Pills

An expert, independent second opinion on more than 1,800 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, and supplements



Search results below include Disease and Drug Family Information where your selected drug is a secondary subject of discussion.

Cough and Cold
Many prescription or over-the-counter drug combinations of two or more ingredients should not be used because they are irrational combinations of single ingredients, some of which are safe and effective and sensible to use alone if treating the symptom for which they are intended. The combinations, however, present extra risks for extra ingredients that will usually not add any benefit (possibly a risk) to the first ingredient and will invariably cost much more than the single ingredient alone.
Antipsychotic Drugs: Dangerously Overused
Antipsychotic drugs, also called neuroleptic drugs or major tranquilizers, are properly and successfully used to treat serious psychotic mental disorders, the most common of which is schizophrenia. In younger adults, an alarming number of those with schizophrenia who could and often have previously benefited from antipsychotic drugs are not receiving them. They are seen, among other places, on the streets and in homeless shelters. In older adults, the problem is not underuse but, rather, gross overuse by people who are not psychotic.


Search results below include Worst Pills, Best Pills Newsletter Articles where your selected drug is a secondary subject of discussion.

Zinc as a Cold Remedy: Still Waiting for Good Evidence
November 2013
A familiar and heavily promoted remedy for colds, zinc has not been found to have very important benefits. This article analyzes studies purporting to show such benefits.
Drug Mix-Ups
June 2011
This article lists 355 drugs with names that are often confused with similar-sounding drug names. Find out what you can do to prevent getting the wrong drug.
What Happened in U.S. Health Care in 2007?
December 2007
This article summarizes 14 important health events that occurred in 2007, including seven that involve the pharmaceutical industry or its increasingly close financial partner, the FDA. Seven other reviews involve our so-called health care system.
Serious Safety Concerns With Unapproved Pharmacy-Compounded Topical Anesthetics and Other Drugs
February 2007
Some of the names used for these products are: Anesthetic Skin Lotion (containing lidocaine and prilocaine), Tetracaine in DMSO Gel (tetracaine and dimethyl sulfoxide) and Triple Kwick Anesthetic Gel (benzocaine, lidocaine and tetracaine), N*E*W* topical anesthetic (lidocaine, prilocaine and tetracaine), Kwick Anesthetic Gel (benzocaine, lidocaine, tetracaine and dimethyl sulfoxide), Lidocaine and Tetracaine Demi Gel and Anesthetic Skin Gel 3+ (lidocaine, prilocaine and tetracaine). The article explains the risks of each.