Search results below include Worst Pills, Best Pills Newsletter Articles where your
selected drug is a primary subject of discussion.
October 2012
The recent FDA approval of the first two new diet drugs in 13 years occasions our review of the safety problems of both drugs and the history of previous diet drugs, taken off the market because of serious cardiovascular dangers. Two recent well-controlled studies, one in adults and one in children, document the benefit of reasonable diet and exercise programs as the only safe and effective way to lose weight.
January 2002
LIPOKINETIX is a concoction of five drugs of doubtful or no therapeutic value in reducing the morbidity and mortality associated with obesity and lack of exercise: 1) nor-ephedrine (also known as phenylpropanolamine or PPA); 2) caffeine; 3) yohimbine; 4) diiodothyronine; and 5) sodium usniate. Each of the drugs is discussed below.