Worst Pills, Best Pills

An expert, independent second opinion on more than 1,800 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, and supplements

methylphenidate [immediate release] (METADATE, METHYLIN, QUILLICHEW ER, RITALIN)


Search results below include Disease and Drug Family Information where your selected drug is a primary subject of discussion.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
To correctly establish the diagnosis of ADHD requires the use not only of medical but also of special psychological, educational, and social resources. Many children diagnosed with ADHD actually have problems that are primarily caused or worsened by inadequate teachers, unsuitable educational settings, or by problems with their parents. Similarly, many adults diagnosed with ADHD may have interpersonal problems that need to be dealt with by psychotherapy.


A comprehensive review of the safety and effectiveness of this drug. If the drug is not a Do Not Use product, information on adverse effects, drug interactions and how to use the medication are included.
Search results below include Drug and Dietary Supplement Profiles where your selected drug is a primary subject of discussion.


Search results below include Worst Pills, Best Pills Newsletter Articles where your selected drug is a primary subject of discussion.

Drug-Induced Insomnia
March 2023
Learn about the numerous prescription and over-the-counter medications that can cause or exacerbate insomnia.
New Study Finds Higher Risk of Psychosis with Amphetamine Treatment for ADHD
December 2019
Read this article to find out which drug treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder has a greater risk of psychosis in adolescents and young adults.
Drug-Induced Movement Disorders
February 2018
Abnormal involuntary movements (movement disorders) occur as adverse events associated with many widely used medications and can cause substantial hardship for affected individuals. Find out which drugs are associated with these adverse effects.
A Guide to Treatment for ADHD
October 2016
The number of children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and treated with drugs has increased dramatically over the past decade. Learn the steps needed for an accurate ADHD diagnosis and understand the variety of treatments available before working with your child's doctor on a plan for treatment.
Pharmacists Ordered to Distribute Medication Guides About Serious Heart, Psychiatric Problems Linked to Attention Deficit Drugs
August 2007
Patients currently taking drugs approved for the treatment of ADHD who experience any of the cardiac or psychiatric side effects mentioned in this article are advised to seek medical attention immediately.
FDA Issues Stronger Warnings for ADHD Stimulants; Warnings Don’t Go Far Enough
November 2006
If you are considering treatment with a stimulant ADHD drug for yourself or your child, become familiar with the new warnings for these drugs that are presented in this article. The new warnings do not tell patients that the drugs can also cause sudden death in those using the medication properly, not just in those abusing the drugs.
Selling New Drugs Using Smoke and Mirror (Images)
March 2003
You should avoid these "new" single mirror images of old drugs, not out of concern about their safety or effectiveness, but because they are the same as the old drugs. In the long run, they cause economic harm both to individuals and to the health care system because they have come on the market with extended monopoly protection. Article lists some examples.
Drug Induced Psychiatric Symptoms (Part 2)
November 2002
This is the second of a two-part series on drug-induced psychiatric symptoms that began in last month’s Worst Pills, Best Pills News. The information is based on the July 8, 2002 issue of The Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics. Article lists drugs and adverse effects.
Do Not Use! Dexmethylphenidate (FOCALIN) - a Methylphenidate (RITALIN) Copy
August 2002
Dexmethylphenidate (FOCALIN), approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in November 2001 for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), joins a growing list of Do Not Use drugs, so called because they primarily result in economic harm to both individuals and the health care system. These drugs exist solely to extend a manufacturer’s brand name monopoly position in a lucrative market but offer nothing better than the drugs they replace.