Worst Pills, Best Pills

An expert, independent second opinion on more than 1,800 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, and supplements

fenfluramine (PONDIMIN)


Search results below include Worst Pills, Best Pills Newsletter Articles where your selected drug is a primary subject of discussion.

Diet and Exercise: Still the Best Medicine for Losing Weight or Keeping Fit
October 2012
The recent FDA approval of the first two new diet drugs in 13 years occasions our review of the safety problems of both drugs and the history of previous diet drugs, taken off the market because of serious cardiovascular dangers. Two recent well-controlled studies, one in adults and one in children, document the benefit of reasonable diet and exercise programs as the only safe and effective way to lose weight.
Smoke & Mirror Marketing (& Other Clever Big Pharma Tricks)
May 2010
The article reviews 12 prescription drugs, many of which are top-sellers, all of which are greatly overpriced in comparison to older "versions" of the same drugs. The patents on the old drugs expired so the "innovative" companies patented these new products, gaining a patent on them, and, for all practical purposes, using them as a license to print money. There is no evidence that any of the new ones are better than the now less-expensive, old versions.
Selling New Drugs Using Smoke and Mirror (Images)
March 2003
You should avoid these "new" single mirror images of old drugs, not out of concern about their safety or effectiveness, but because they are the same as the old drugs. In the long run, they cause economic harm both to individuals and to the health care system because they have come on the market with extended monopoly protection. Article lists some examples.
FDA Issues Warning about Chinese Diet Pills Containing the Banned Diet Drug Fenfluramine (PONDIMIN)
October 2002
On August 13, 2002, the Food and Drug Administration warned the public about the Chinese weight loss products CHASU (JIANFEI) DIET CAPSULES and CHASU GEMPI because they pose a potential public health risk. The alert followed illnesses reported in several people in Japan, some of whom died, after consuming these products.


Search results below include Additional Information from Public Citizen where your selected drug is a primary subject of discussion.

Testimony Before FDA Endocrinologic and Metabolic Drugs Advisory Committee Meeting on Cardiovascular Risk Assessment of Obesity Drugs (HRG Publication #2012)
A dangerously low approval standard for diet drugs has created a history of recalls, injuries, and needless deaths.
Statement about a Food and Drug Adminstration article in the Journal of the American Medical Association regarding recently withdrawn drugs and the safety of newly approved drugs. (HRG Publication #1481)
None of these drugs were breakthrough drugs and the serious safety concerns should have prevented their approval in the cases of Redux, Posicor, and Duract and a much earlier market withdrawal for Seldane. FDA's conclusion that there is no problem associated with these drug safety withdrawals should not be taken seriously because to do so will continue to jeopardize the safety of American patients.