Worst Pills, Best Pills

An expert, independent second opinion on more than 1,800 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, and supplements

cyclobenzaprine (FLEXERIL)


Search results below include Disease and Drug Family Information where your selected drug is a primary subject of discussion.

Muscle Relaxants
Some of the widely prescribed muscle relaxants covered on this web site have been on the market for more than 40 years. Yet five of these drugs were among the top 200 most frequently prescribed medications in the United States in 2002, with more than 30 million prescriptions dispensed. Since their original marketing, there has been very little reliable evidence that these drugs actually relax muscles.


A comprehensive review of the safety and effectiveness of this drug. If the drug is not a Do Not Use product, information on adverse effects, drug interactions and how to use the medication are included.
Search results below include Drug and Dietary Supplement Profiles where your selected drug is a primary subject of discussion.

cyclobenzaprine (FLEXERIL)
  • We list this drug as a Do Not Use drug because it is no more effective than aspirin and related drugs and is sedating.


Search results below include Worst Pills, Best Pills Newsletter Articles where your selected drug is a primary subject of discussion.

Drug-Induced Urinary Incontinence
September 2022
Numerous prescription and over-the-counter drugs can cause or exacerbate urinary incontinence. Knowing which medications prescribed or recommended by your doctor cause urinary incontinence will allow you to take steps to prevent or minimize this common, troubling adverse drug effect.
Important Drug Interactions for Quinidine
June 2022
Patients taking the drug quinidine should be aware that it has clinically important and potentially dangerous interactions with many other prescription medications.
Important Drug Interactions for the Antidepressant Fluoxetine (PROZAC, SYMBYAX)
February 2022
Patients taking the commonly prescribed antidepressant fluoxetine should be aware that it has clinically important and potentially dangerous interactions with many other prescription and over-the-counter medications.
Driving Under the Influence Caused by Medications
September 2020
Although impaired driving usu¬ally is caused by alcohol or marijuana, many commonly used prescription and over-the-counter medications also can impair one’s ability to drive safely. Learn about several classes of medications that can cause this serious problem to protect yourself, your passengers and others who share the road with you.
New Research Shows Drugs Associated with a Risk of Depression Are Widely Used
October 2018
In this article, we summarize the results of a recent research study showing that use of medications that have depression as a potential adverse effect is very common. We also identify some of the many prescription medications that can cause depression symptoms, including suicidal thoughts or behavior.
Preventing Heat-Induced Death and Illness
June 2018
This article lists practical steps to take to avoid death, hospitalization or other medical problems caused by heat stress. It also identifies over 100 drugs that can impair your response to heat and thereby increase your risk of heat-induced illness and death.
The Best Drug for Severe Acute Low Back Pain
April 2016
Low back pain is the fifth most common reason for outpatient doc¬tor visits and leads to 2.6 million emergency room visits in the U.S. every year. This article reviews results of the newest research on which pain relievers are safest and most effective for managing severe low back pain.
Preventing Heat-Induced Death and Illness
June 2012
This article lists practical steps to take to avoid death, hospitalization or other medical problems caused by heat stress. It also contains a list of 123 drugs that can impair your response to heat.
Quality of Drug Prescribing
March 2011
The article reviews a study on the potentially dangerous, inappropriate prescribing of 77 drugs that pose a high risk to older adults. Of the 67 of these drugs that we had previously reviewed in Worst, Pills, Best Pills News, we had classified 60 (90 percent) of them as “Do Not Use,” and the other seven as "Limited Use."
Dextromethorphan (DELSYM, ROBITUSSIN DM) for Cough: More Reasons to Avoid It
June 2010
Find out why you should not use cough products such as ROBITUSSIN DM that contain dextromethorphan. Also view a list of 22 other drugs that can have harmful interactions with dextromethorphan.
Drug Induced Psychiatric Symptoms (Part 2)
November 2002
This is the second of a two-part series on drug-induced psychiatric symptoms that began in last month’s Worst Pills, Best Pills News. The information is based on the July 8, 2002 issue of The Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics. Article lists drugs and adverse effects.